In our Christian lives the destination is transformation into the image of Christ. If the destination is transformation then the road to the destination would be called maturation. And there is a way of navigating this journey.
The Bible is clear that as we have become new creations we are to think differently. Here are some of the steps of that journey which I would call the building blocks of transformation.
1. Think kingdom thoughts
2. Saturate yourself by Meditating on the word day and night
3. which encourages you to Act upon Gods will
4. Which will develop Godly Habits in you
5. Which build strongholds of character in our lives
6. which leave kingdom legacies for others
As my pastor says "if you elevate your thinking you elevate your life". When Gods word empowered by the Holy Spirit dominates your thinking you are transformed.
Think, Be, Do is a blog where I write down life growth lessons that are related to the journey of transformation every Christian embarks on.
Beware of Great Victories
When God does something big in your life or uses you in a powerful way. Beware ! It is a time to be careful. Be careful not to take glory for yourself. Be sure your confidence remains in Christ, lest you don't seek the Lord and make a big mistake or fall to some temptation.
The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I came in order that they might have life and have it in abundance. (John 10:10)
The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I came in order that they might have life and have it in abundance. (John 10:10)
Schemes of the Enemy
If Satan can't take you to the depths, he will try and make you see your own heights.
Problems are not liabilities. They are opportunities to bring God glory.
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